
haha,lol, are your banks big enough to keep all that money?
Only just! My builders working overtime right now
lol, i see ...still a shame you left
Yeh sorry bout the sharp exit
Why'd you leave James?
Hey Robert if only you were playing a fellow rebel last game to help you over turn that 11 goal difference from dollard Sorry vishal it's not something I wanna write in a forum, I'll just say it's quite personal
you know anything can happen in the last game of the month. i normally play my reserves with no rythm and agrression, so i dont get injuries or bookings in my starting line up. I even lower my moral to make some extra cash ...that would make a team very weak
I started this season off playing zero moral see what the difference would be all was good til you and dollard whooped me lol
did you?? You would be hard to beat if you play with 100% I have noticed in recent friendlies.

moral seems to be more important then energy, but I could be wrong
Wait, there's another way to get a big win. Sometimes players use stupid strategies loose in purpuse or to make sure no one plays friendlies against them. If they forget to change these strategy a big win is also an option. Just like our friendly today

Didn't you almost loose a challenge yesterday because of that?