
Rcheek, are you Ryan or William or someone else?
im william
We are full at the moment, Mick will let you know when there is a spot available and then we'll add you.
okay thanks you vishal i really appreciate it
Want to join not good enough
guest_1458354473657 :

Want to join not good enough

its not about who is good enough .....its about how a new recruit can fit in and be a good asset....rcheek is known to us and will give his all.. preference goes to him ...sorry about selection process but this has to happen, since we are only allowed 25 ...might be a long time b4 rcheek is accepted
Robert i asked support to make you leader of Rebels....your the right man for the job
i may not keep up with this game , im disillusioned with promises and no improvements, for as today it still sucks as it did when we started , yet they let a great game die(FC1) by directing all new comers to this chit (FC2)

Hey Robert if I knew you were gunna buy all my players I would of done you a package deal
are they all yours? ...I didn't know, but I'm happy with the new recruits. You trained them well James and I am sure they will be eager to show their former manager he shouldn;t have let them go
After the next 5 are sold that will take it to over 20 players I've sold last few days . I will be expecting a title challenge from you this time after your good recruitment:) just a heads up you might be seeing my best player on market shortly in case you wanna keep a few tokens aside