guild challenge chat room

Clive you guys tried to take me..
sorry clive ...we will only invite you from now on
clive forbes :

lol stop trying to steal my guild members. they are loyal to the guild

good man Clive ...i love loyalty

Hello, and thz for your words. Thz for money, special to Vishal. I hope meet you again and hwo is the best to win. Best regards, my friends and remember that it's only a game. Enjoy.

great attitude PEPINO...a good game with a good bunch of lads playing
your one tough player
haha who tried to steal u stubbsy? and im letting yall know that after next season i will be leaving this game. if yall can find another game so we can play together that would be fun. if not, nice to meet each and everyone of u. but plz find another game so we can play
why are you leaving clive??
not feeling this game no more, and most of my players are going to retire next season and i dont have any coins to get new players. i just want to play something different. u have playstation 3 or 4?
jasus Clive ..hang about and see how it progresses ...i wasnt feeling it either ...but when the guild challenge came along it perked me up a bit. All our teams will take a slump if ye dont have coin ...but we will grow together and discuss all is needed to discuss

ur still a good player here ..dont spit the dummy out and grow a set ...haha

haha, i dont know whats going to happen to my team, searching for another game that i can play
clive forbes :

not feeling this game no more, and most of my players are going to retire next season and i dont have any coins to get new players. i just want to play something different. u have playstation 3 or 4?

I've got a ps4.... Have you got black ops 3?