Tournament glitch

Guild challenge was lost because we couldn't play any matches! How long until the app is back up and running?
Well this is frustrating.....
Hello everyone,

The game encounters a bug.
Our developer currently working on it to fix it.

Sorry for the problems encountered.


How can I have a player in my league that was runner-up in the tournies 4294967295 times, Lol, he must have started bout 11mil years ago with this game. Wonder how he spend the 25769803770 Gold-balls he won so far
Hammer Ynove :

How can I have a player in my league that was runner-up in the tournies 4294967295 times, Lol, he must have started bout 11mil years ago with this game. Wonder how he spend the 25769803770 Gold-balls he won so far

As Zuma would say "twenty five billion six hundred and nine hundred...Uuuummmm..... listen properly.... twenty five billion six hundred......" LMFAO