Bournemouth Celts :

I like it.

If we're willing to spend cash on a big challenge, we can get a draw and some RPs. I don't see the problem. It would be no fun if one guild got all the RPs.

We all know you like it.. no skill keep buying wins winner!!
Agree 100%
That's agree 100% on no MB
Pls pls pls rwmove mb
Remove MB pls. Wp stormers
please dont remove match bonus it give me a fair chance against higher star teams and its costing

Then train your team, set a strategy and play them correctly, or all that will happen is that every game will be played with both teams at full boost ... My current league is dominated by boosters ... Insane, a game of strategy destroyed by paid wins ... I refuse to boost, and will end up in bottom half of table because of that choice, but those above know they have bought victories ... Personally, I think it's a joke and MB should be the banned or at worse case limited to 10% ... Clearly, and I mean clearly, 5 teams at least are boosting in the league, all I can assume is they reached level 14 by having lots of cash not by their ability, so good luck to them, you know who you are, your supposedly good players in highly ranked guilds, and your frauds, cheats and pathetic. Taff -British Lions ... And yes, my MB will remain OFF come what may, and I will continue to play better teams in order to challenge myself and improve .. Rant over
I have now just accepted that in order to make yourself even with your opponent in the league you have to boost, I will continue to do this until game alerts sort this situation with something a bit more realistic but saving money has become very slow now for upgrades and I refuse to spend real money so if it's not sorted soon I will be deleting the game
Remove this MB. Please. We can cause chaos without match boost. You guys are promoting match fixing, which is illegal in real life anyway. Werner. Wp stormers
guest_1443463945650 :

Remove this MB. Please. We can cause chaos without match boost. You guys are promoting match fixing, which is illegal in real life anyway. Werner. Wp stormers

hi Werner, i think you are in my league (level 13)
im the manager of Hamamatsuchō KaMiKaZe

i'm totally agree to change this MB who have (unfortunately) a very big importance in games.
sorry for the GWENT DRAGONS manager who called me MB King haha, (if im king, i dont imagine what you will say for others), if you want to say this, its okay, i dont care... im not feeling guilty, i have just used MB for 15 games since i started the game (around 50% of my league games since the two last seasons), and never in tournament and guilde challenge, because it started to become impossible to win a game against (very) lowest teams. Before, i used money for build only.

i 'm agree to change the importance or remove the MB (especially for tournament and guilde challenge)