please get rid of mb, it is a disincentive for building your team the hard way
Whitewall :

please get rid of mb, it is a disincentive for building your team the hard way

Bit of a hypocrite pretty sure ur using mb in our championship and i know u just tryed to mb me in a tournament game... how much did that loss cost you?
dk, i just finished 13th out of 14 in our championship. every team was using mb, even you. what happened to you, bro?
and we're agreeing on this subject, dk. nobody kicked you out, you chose to leave. i wish you luck, dude.
I agree, remove match bonus, Rigby Ronins
Please get rid of match bonuses. It's the only poor aspect of the game.
It puts how much money u are willing to spend over wat your teams ability is into matches. Wars basically always end in ties and ppl know they don't need to tweak strategy much cause they can just pay for the win. It's annoying
Don't remove it completely, just restrict it to what income you can generate from your stadium during games. If you have level 20 stadium and ticket office, then that is maximum match bonus. If you play someone with level 14 stadium and level 15 ticket office, then match bonus not as high. But if you have level 20 stadium, chances are you should be playing someone around your star rating.
I think this sort of system is worth trying.
In the above, unless I am missing the point, which is very very possible, you only talk about the cost, not the % influence on * ratings .....
For me, cost should be high, and influence less.
MB does kind of even everything out!

I can totally understand why match bonus is in place.......When you think about the guys who work hard to try build and train their teams without spending money on GBs to max out player specs. Then you have coiners who spend lots of money on GBs to train there team to full specs!

Then you have the auction problem where all the coiners have 100s of 1000s of recruiter coins and out bid all the other players so they can't progress and end up having to buy the left overs scraps!

So really MB is the middle ground

This doesn't mean I will be supporting it or using it more

It's just a middle ground