Match bonus proposal

In view of the many posts, it seems that the match bonus is a real problem.
We will not dwell on the fact that this increase system capacity by players money is completely unrealistic, nor the fact that a championship can be greatly distorted by its use.
The premium of the game is part of the game. We must therefore do with, I offer just a few ideas to improve its use.

1) Keep the bonus game as it is now.
However limit its use to 15 games per season, 5 championship, 5 and 5 tournament guild challenges.
Limit premium + 30% of capacity, with an exponential increase in the money of 0-30%.
Allow players to know at the end of the match which used a match bonus. A strategic dimension would be added, one could know how often his future championship contender has already cracked his bonus.

2) Remove the match bonus, replace tokens for obtaining a "boost".
These tokens will reap the strategy building (such as recruitment tokens), and are purchasable against gold balloons.
Again, limiting their use in a number of games per season (eg 5/5/5 as above-mentioned)
With 3 levels of boost: low, medium or large depending on the number of tokens invested.
Knowing at the end of the game who used his boost.

That's it. We (finally) a proper rugby management game, it's a shame that this premium as it exists now come take over training, strategic choices etc ...
Both very bad ideas in my book. All that's needed is to drop the effect to 20%, and remove it from the guild challenge.