if most of people have no problem with it,so i want to propose about the 12h before the championship match where everyone cannot make frienldy match against the next opponent....also for the guild challenge,we could make friendly match just during the first 24h to prepare the team for example.
I second that PL
The more I think about it the more I think it is good that you can play all those friendles. It is an advantage for active players. PL has always been very active in this game and payed a lot of friendlies. He got better at the game because of it and now he was able to win the championship. All because of hard work and being very active. So for me, nothing needs to changed about the friendlies ...well maybe one thing. When some one keeps playing you, you dont have time play friendlies yourself, maybe something should be done about that.

Hi, RV,

Yes, I only played ONE friendly against you a couple of minutes ago, and you kicked my butt!

Your super team is extremely merciless.

I just wanted to see how much my team has improved but apparently not at all. Hahaha!


Red Mancs
thanks but can make friendly matches against me as you want....but it's not my real formation in championship
Red Mancs > waouw.....this match 2-2 at the end and the second one....2-1 very good it was too late to score a second goal (i used 2 differents formations to check)
Hi, RV,

To be honest, I was really lucky!!! Another thing was that I was saving all my training points (quite a lot) and decided to use them before 2nd match.

I love your team and tactics! You play really nice football and not like some teams I play against who use 1,000 forwards for their attack strategy!!! Wish you were in our guild a I would be able to learn so much from you! I salute you, RV.

Have a nice weekend,

Red Mancs
hi, mk n clueless,

thank you for your encouragement n i have been playing a lot of friendlies against higher level teams n the results have been ok.

still a very long way to go till i reach your high standards, or like sa swans n pi team, but i am having fun nonetheless.

my team is man utd II n i just joined team wales not too long ago. even from their chats, i am learning new things, n they are so helpful when i have questions about this game.

once again, thanks for the encouragement, gentlemen.

Leigh (suffering from a massive hangover at the moment! )
Hey, Clueless,

You just destroyed my team! LOL

Another team that plays sweet football & not cramp 1,000 forwards in the opponent's peanlty area. It is so good to see big teams like PL & you play the game nice and fair. Just from these friendlies and I am learning from the both of you.

Thank you and my sincere respect,

Red Mancs

I thought I hadn't played you for a while so popped in a friendly:) just don't learn to quick guild challenge is already close enough against you guys
As long as your having fun Leigh you'll keep playing and by keep playing you'll get better n better ah yes the morning after the night before a good hangover = a good night in my book lol