Question regarding the elite of the elite

I beat We Are The Hutchie 49-0, he beat me 42-0. Obviously 1 online, 1 offline, subs used etc etc but shows the problem with the game and the 40 point swings.
Thats a 91 point swing mate
Thank you qBall, maths was never my strong point.
Ashley Roberts :

I beat We Are The Hutchie 49-0, he beat me 42-0. Obviously 1 online, 1 offline, subs used etc etc but shows the problem with the game and the 40 point swings.

That has more factors than subs and home, that has some mb from somewhere or changes to a piss poor strat. Sorry, but that is not home/away
I like the discussion, and like most players, I generally agree with the perspectives being rehashed here (MB, Subs, Home/Away, etc).

However, I must admit that the idea that there is any semblance of fairness or balance/equality built into this game is a bit of a stretch.
Forget about MB, strats or subs - the reality is that most of that doesn't matter as cash trumps all.

No issue with that, but since cash became the differentiating factor for success, there hasn't been any new game updates. Maybe the develops got their recipe right in the end
I disagree, a lot of us regularly beat purchased teams when mb free, strats matter a lot.
That's not in doubt - and I'm not saying it's not possible or likely. But if it was a game with something on the line then I doubt that would win more than 2/3 out of 10 times.

As I pointed out this isnt something that is purposely built into the game - it's rather a consequence of cash players being complacent. And that won't keep working as the championship levels increase and access to replacement players keeps being tight. And in the end it's access to quality players that keeps folks with good strats competitive.
And plenty of people that don't pay a penny keep an ability to get those good players. Cash makes averase teams good, good teams great and great teams unbeatable by us mere mortals. But as I always say, without those cash players the rest of us wouldn't have a game to play. We need them and they benefit us more than they hurt us.
Rucking Broncos - Bad Mother Ruckers :

Thank you qBall, maths was never my strong point.

Hello Ash! Long time no speak
Rucking Broncos - Bad Mother Ruckers :

I beat We Are The Hutchie 49-0, he beat me 42-0. Obviously 1 online, 1 offline, subs used etc etc but shows the problem with the game and the 40 point swings.

Black Monks was quite right about unusual settings when you played me. Around tonight if you fancy a rematch before our tourney game.