energy during guild challenge.

is your energy always 100% if you get challenged. so for example if i have my whole team in intensive training to which there energy levels will only be above 50% will that be the energy level my players take to the game if they get challenged during GC at all times.
Whatever your energy is showing is the energy you take into the game. In your example your player energy will be just above 50% regardless of whether you are challenged or you do the challenging.

This applies to all games ie, friendlies (although you wont lose any further energy), training matches, guild challenge matches (although you won't lose further energy when challenged), championship and tournament matches.
ok so it will be a good idea to keep energy levels high during GC.. actualy it gives positives as well like a lower SQ team can have a good chance of beating a team higher..ok thanx coach qball..
You are most welcome