Empty Auction House

Why does my auction house have only 4 crappy players to chose from? How am I supposed to upgrade my team?
one of the many reasons I quit playing
If you quit playing quit posting as well

I think everybody has seen you are unhappy now and its getting a bit old having your negative posts on nearly every thread.

There are actually some players still enjoying the game and looking for positive feedback.

In reply to the original question:
It would seem its starting to pick up slowly but surely, hopefully all will be back to normal in a day or two
Jamison, I think I saw from another of your posts that you are a very high level player. Perhaps we just need more active players to move up. I am on level 6 and anxious to see what everything is going to look like.
I hoping too qBall.... got a few guys getting old and hard to replace them with only 4 old players in my AH. LOL! Jason, there's not much change except prepare for more beatdowns by a lot better teams. Lol I've made only one other post about the new ranking system, trying to suggest a way to make it better for the top dawgs. The new update hurts them the most.
It's now a month later since the last post on this topic and I'm on level 11 and I have the same issue with very few players available in the auction and for some positions there aren't any players available. Is this the case for other people playing this game as well?
Jason Platt :

It's now a month later since the last post on this topic and I'm on level 11 and I have the same issue with very few players available in the auction and for some positions there aren't any players available. Is this the case for other people playing this game as well?

It's a day later, the forums date format is set to dd/mm/yyyy
My auction house is back to normal. But now everyone has been saving and its a feeding frenzy there.Lol
qBaLL the Horrible :

It's a day later, the forums date format is set to dd/mm/yyyy

Imagine me tripping out when Donna Noble said, "The date is backwards, like it is in America." I'm sitting there wondering what she was talking about, the date was in the correct order for me, because 'Murica lol