lol so I have been viewing matches and I have also seen the hate .I don't want your approval .or do I care there is a reason there are only a few players who play this.qball ,Jason.marks raiders .I know you guys think you are slick.lol.bankrupt the game lol.this game is nothing but a joke and no I don't play I was contacted by certain parties to simply view chat and also the remarks..if you think this game has a future you are sadly mistaken.stop the hate in chat.bucs1.marksraiders,pitt panthers.jason riley you are just a sad sad little man.i also have seen the complaints on here you do nothing.it is ok.i am just an observer.but I will let you know every thing that is said in world chat has been documented.mark you are the worst.you are a trouble maker..so sublinet you need to make a choice either looze the loozers and stop the hate and bullying by your top guilds.i am informing you I am a civil service attourney.my offices will be in contact.yours truly.... eyes of the public