when the players are rated for their star and ranking ratings ...for instance...I have a center who is rated a 21 however he is 50 on stamina, blocking, toughness and a 45 on penetration on offense and his defense scores are quite low as is passing and other stuff that a center doesn't need to use... so does his defensive scores and the other offensive scores bring or keep down his actual worth I'm looking at wether or not if you keep up his main things for him that pertain to his position to keep him. or will he just be a another player to dump later on. I hope I explained this good enough
player evaluations
I have an offensive linesman who is 15 star with 55 in blocking stamina speed and offensive acceleration. He is awesome. If you care how well your centre can tackle get someone else. If you dont then max out them key stats and screw his star rating
thanks that is what I was hoping for. because he is maxed out on all the important stuff. and I really didn't want to release him on some stupid ratings that didn't pertain to his position
What it will do is keep your teams star rating down. Which screws opponents over who don't spend time scouting you. I regularly beat teams 10 stars better than me who have bought high star players rather than training people up themselves.