Coalition of Conquerors 53 GC Victories, the rest of you...

Toptown :

Do you ever notice the more you try to "explain" things the more you are just talking to yourself? Our wins stand for themselves. Up to 55 now. All the teams that boost all the time get what they deserve; a bunch of ties. Besides, we are talking about all guilds here.

think he was moaning not explaining lol , for me its credit where credits due well done,
Thank you, Gareth, we appreciate that.

You are a very good guild.
Funny, no one in the Coalition answered my question, just called me a Pro Bowler. I'm not a Pro Bowler I'm a Pimp. Coalition has never beaten us and the last GC we played against them, we felt like they quit. Is that what the #1 guild does, quit? SMH..... Your guild is decent but I wouldn't even put you guys in the top 3. Pimps have never lost a GC, only tied the Pro Bowlers. And if any idiot thinks all we do is use the slider, you can't use it to defend yourself in a GC so every time we play Coalition in a GC they should tie right? How many of you are in the top 50? Can't use the slider in map games, but thats all we do right?
Your a joke, your guild is a joke. The pimps don't need a slider against your lowly guild. Your best player wouldn't even be in our top 10. That's why our last challenge you guys gave up. The slider only works for the challenger, not the defender, so if your hook on phonics is working then you'd be able to understand that.
We are up to 85 wins now. We will be the first to 100. Pro bowlers has the most boosters in the game, pimps is maybe 3rd. I'm not completely against boosters, or boosting, it serves a purpose. But I won't be helping you with your teams so quit fishing. Nor do I feel the need to repeat myself.
And Gene, dam...come on man! If you are going to try and be witty at least get it right; hookED on phonics. That along with all your others errors makes your post a joke that writes itself.
All I gotta say is try your best to catch me. Spend all the money you have, I will still make you eat dust as a FREE PLAYER.
Please don't get me wrong tho, for I do appreciate everyone who spends a ton here for my pleasure to enjoy the game for free. Thank you always.

*current Coalition of Conquerors in lvl19.

Also, do not make a decision to make a false comment about anyone's child or wife. Think about it. It's plain wrong.
Obviously, you guys are a special kind of stupid for truly believing the you guys are even remotely close to the level of teaching and training of a true top guild. As far as your 85 guild challenge wins, Its alot like Mount Union winning 4 national championships, alots of wins against division 3 teams, but there no Alabama or Clemson.
I'm sorry but who are you? I don't mean to be rude, just haven't been on the forum for a while. I'd like to know your game name.
I welcome you to challenge me anytime. You might even be able to beat me for now, but anyone who has been playing this game for decent amount of time knows that I can beat any spender/booster. It is likely that I will destroy your team as long as we are in the same league, and I'm only moving up, so in 6 seasons, I'll be among the highest league.

If you are one of pimps, check your mates' schedule, more specifically broken jets and wannabe. You'll see what I mean as long as you are capable of solving one plus one.

Can't wait to play ya,
CW *current lvl19 Coalition of Conquerors
I am Pitt Panthers. If you cant find me look to the top of the rankings, usually #1