
I'm on level 39 and playing in championship with level 40 teams.Please explain.
Me too
It happens when there are not enough teams on level 39 to make a full championship. If the total number of teams on level 39 in the game is not divisible by 14, then there will be some teams left over who will not make up a full championship table. So they fill the table with teams from the next level up.
PhusionMedia Sharks :

It happens when there are not enough teams on level 39 to make a full championship. If the total number of teams on level 39 in the game is not divisible by 14, then there will be some teams left over who will not make up a full championship table. So they fill the table with teams from the next level up.

Other way round. They start at the top level and work down - leftover teams play in the level below.
Thanks PhusionMedia Sharks.I thought that might be the issue,just needed it to be confirmed.
Thanks Waspy Tiger appreciate the reply.
I am at L43 and playing in Championship - L43. There are 6 x L43 teams and 8 x L44 teams in my league. Whilst I understand that any remaining teams from a higher league have to go somewhere, putting them all in the same place does not feel very equitable!
Then there should be smaller leagues but by combining different levels, you create an unfair advantage to the higher level teams in a championship. For instance, I can never have the same scrumming power than an opponent from a higher level.
No fair, I'm in 42 and there are no 41s in my ship. Let's get the devs!!!
Don't stress guys. See it as an opportunity to show your strategy's worth