
Black Monks :

The hardest parts are setting up the lineout target to 42 and committing 42 people to the ruck. I suspect the strat works due to getting all those extra guys on the pitch

Yup it certainly helps kicking to the 42 works great i score a try every time
We all know 69 is the magic number.
Well said Carshalton. I know you have had difficulties with this member before and had to lock threads. I'm also a pro rugby player with pro rugby player friends that play this game :). I appreciate this part of the forum is used for banter. I must say there is a click of members who are 'inflammatory' which can't be good for this game but it is what it is. It's a shame though.
Dragon, topic is dropped, please keep it dropped. Also, pro try told you in his first reply he didn't want your drama over there, please respect it and move on. Thanks.
Carshalton. You have mine and many others guilds word we will never reply to Black Monks on any thread. However as a closing point to this and bear in mind our own diversity which is CHAMPIONED... if he ever falsely accuses a anyone of being 'racist' he should be indefinitely BANNED. We both know he has a history of doing this. That's it from us on the subject.
Dragon, reread my statements about you calling me kid, I clearly said that you probably don't know how that is taken, that this game is a game that covers many cultures, and your statements could in some of those cultures have racial undertones and to be mindful of that. That's not claims of racism, so stop making statements that I made those. You seem to be trying to bring dirt from the past up and fail to understand that many posts were deleted that you can't see and acknowledgements were made. However hard you try to bring up that past will only serve to make it look worse for here. Also, your accusations toward coach you may want to rethink as he is a very respected individual and has a relationship with devs similar to that of our mods so making claims lumping him with me and mooners only shows the devs that you are manipulating. So let's all do a favor, we all drop this. And I'm sure your pro rugby club would appreciate their pro rugby player to get off of this game app and focus on Saturday. Let's all move on please, it's in everyone's best interest.
Guest 145..........., the original question was asked and my response was accepted by Monks. The thread then developed into the type of nonsense banter that only belongs in 3rd half time. Nothing wrong with that. You, however, then reopen wounds unnecessarily by winding BM up. Although best ignored BM cannot help himself and posts back. The tit for tat that goes beyond acceptable banter whether nonsense or not then starts again.

Thread locked and please, both of you, do not try and get the last word in by opening another thread to start the ball rolling again.

Thank you.