Waspy Tiger for President!!!

As in all presidential campaigns there will be the haters but that will not derail my campaign nor my supporters

@Waspy lets keep this a clean and fair election, no digging up skeletons
+1..this is why it's banter :-). However goodness knows how more serious supporters will take it after they have finished their business with their left hand..... ;)))))))
Vote coach fluffy for president! Proving manhood is about character and not color since 2017
One vote for Waspy who shows his manhood by standing up to trolls and who keeps the peace and... and... isn't married to his manhood and... and... and.. doesn't play with his manhood until falling asleep expecting others to reply to him this was worth it maaaaaaaaaaann ;-))))))))
Your alright 'fluffy' gd luck Bro ;)))))))
Vote coach, projecting his manhood on others while othere project their insecurity.
Hey Waspy I think to prove a point some 'members' are a bit too 'tightly wound' to enjoy banter ;). The few people I've known like this have suffered a nervous breakdown or are in an asylum believing their 'masters of the universe'. Hail Waspy! The thin black and amber line that keeps the peace in the forums - u watching the boxing buddie??
Vote coach, he has never said he has a top guild while also recruiting multiple lvl 4 players
I also would like to know how you define banter. Because when you passive aggressively talk trash on every person on this forum it's banter, when someone you don't like jokes around at your expense (banter ) you see it as evidence of going crazy. Please educate us in your definition and we will all put down our pints and applaud the intellectual gymnastics that are required to get those scenerios to sync
Again - no one will reply to the 'Queen of the trolls' who desperately seeks male interaction with effeminate remarks. Answer = do not feed her and advise her to join a dating website ;). Getting things back on track - Waspy do u have an actual team in the game??