Best strategist's in the game ranking system who have spent NO money?

So did it hurt your feelings so bad you need devs to find out who did it so they can repair your self esteem or did it empower you?

Hypocrite, thy name is dragon blade
Dragon blade :

Nah one has been analysed and being playfully 'stretchered' off the field hit and understandable 'knowing' nerve... we are many

Have you not realized that everyone has told you that you are one and have asked you to stop. This genuinely is my last post at you, but I hope you can understand, this community is over you, now you need to get over yourself.
Lol empowered TBH. Tell 'Taff' he's welcome to join us and would u consider becoming a feeder guild
You may reply in your guilds title may one call it 'to dance with the devil'?
Dragon blade :

TerraNovan Phalanx :

True legends never need to blow their own trumpets

Tell Werner S.... one can see his house from here

Gasp! I'm shocked!

Not that you could see Werner's house of course. Just that this is the best comeback you had.

You know, for a troll you're not very witty.
But back on topic again, now that you've let us know that you're the best strategist in the game, I'm a bit more satisfied with my 49-7 win over you yesterday, being one level lower than you and all. I initially thought I should have done better, but knowing you're the best puts that result a bit more into perspective.
By the way, I happen to know that attempts to draw so much attention to yourself are a sign if insecurity. You should probably seek help for your low self-esteem issues. But hey, I'm here if you need to talk.

Please go look at our semi retired vmax team who took out a 290* monster with all the sports shop items on 3*'s.

Really this thread isn't even worth the effort.


PS. I saw someone mentioned Sharkies in top 50. Tell him I enjoy our friendlies
TerraNovan Phalanx :

But back on topic again, now that you've let us know that you're the best strategist in the game, I'm a bit more satisfied with my 49-7 win over you yesterday, being one level lower than you and all. I initially thought I should have done better, but knowing you're the best puts that result a bit more into perspective.

I thought my 56-0 away win with Bharatcuda was pretty average as well but after the claims made it seems a bit better, but I clearly have some work to do to be seen in the top echelons
Gentlemen I have exposed a credit card clique of players. Players in guilds would rather lose 100 - 0 than be fortunate enough to have loads of gold balls handed to them in error or to heavily use their CREDIT CARD to get to the top. I'll close this thread as have made my point :-D.