Bluemooners :
Yes, i'm sure we won't be hearing from DHSFP or Dragon Blade for a long time given their foul mouthed tirade. Anything else would be bias towards me from the mods surely? I am massively offended and request that these two teams get lengthy bans. I would also request confirmation of this from the mods and/or admin. Amazing how i've never once sworn or name called anyone yet i've been banned countless times for calling a spade a spade and naming the cheats that spoil the game for others.
I had no gripe with you until you falsely accused me of something I was not doing. This was meant as a good humoured post all along and you and possibly BM also misunderstood that.
I have not used any foul language in any of my posts towards anyone and never shall (insinuated perhaps and for that I apologise). You however did say "DHS sofa's or whatever the fuk you are called" and have since edited that statement in your post so thank you for that. I actually found that quite funny and was tempted to change my team name correspondingly.
I am totally on your side as far as "Match Fixing" is concerned and would also like to see Match Bonus (read Match Breaker) and the Sports Shop (Bonus on the fly) removed completely.
Let's start with a clean slate please?