Match fixing

Guest CTU1J5 :

Moaners you twat. Why do you change to loosing strat when I play you. Moral high groud scared we get closer. Bang gat

Honestly, why the name calling? Keep it constructive and not personal. Cowards like you should be banned or put in a straight jacket.
I believe I read earlier in this post Bluemooners abusing someone's ability to speak English and questioning whether they had attended school.

So yes if you're going to call this out then let's address it across the board not just when you fancy it.
35-35 no ambition :

Guest CTU1J5 :

Moaners you twat. Why do you change to loosing strat when I play you. Moral high groud scared we get closer. Bang gat

Honestly, why the name calling? Keep it constructive and not personal. Cowards like you should be banned or put in a straight jacket.

Calling people cowards self defeats your argument.
The real Mayhem :

35-35 no ambition :

Guest CTU1J5 :

Moaners you twat. Why do you change to loosing strat when I play you. Moral high groud scared we get closer. Bang gat

Honestly, why the name calling? Keep it constructive and not personal. Cowards like you should be banned or put in a straight jacket.

Calling people cowards self defeats your argument.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah straight jacket
Ok I am sorry
Calling me out on name calling and call me a coward.
Man I like your argument.
hahahahahah you just make my day.
nice bite guys
On to the real business, let’s go onto another thread and discuss the boring game upgrade.
Guest CTU1J5 :

Moaners you twat. Why do you change to loosing strat when I play you. Moral high groud scared we get closer. Bang gat

^Foul mouthed morons like this (Dreamteam another no-mark i've never heard of before but apparantely i'm 'scared of) are what i'm up against. You're an embarrassment to your guild fella and clowns like you make me realise what an articulate, educated good bunch of lads are at my guild. Anyone who sides with morons like this are equally as moronic.
He's that thick he doesn't even know how to change the name from 'guest'.
AB 1977 :

I believe I read earlier in this post Bluemooners abusing someone's ability to speak English and questioning whether they had attended school.

So yes if you're going to call this out then let's address it across the board not just when you fancy it.

I've ignored your attention seeking comments hundreds of times on countless threads as quite frankly, you're really boring and there's never any substance to your snide remarks. Simply jumping on the bandwagon along with the other bores and fishing for attention. But as a one off I will reply to your question. Was I not replying to an uneducated moron in a non-swearing manner, who called me an 'asshole'? What type of response should I give to this? Please enlighten me, Einstein.
No you are correct. We are all dumb. You are the clever and honest one. Good for you. You do not answer any questions but want to insult everyone. Like to dish out but when you get some. Well the Moaners in you bounce out. I would have like to know why you change to loosing strat when I play you in friendlies. I would like to know if you ever let one of your friends beat you in a ranking game. But you gonna answer with your fortune cookie kak every time so no use to try.
O yes before I forget. You are an asshole