Ashley Longthorn :
Yeah we recently took some members from strikers for a new guild me and gregory have started they didn't exactly have good things to say for liverpool one described as a crazy guy and the other a maniac obsessed says alot really. I almost went to strikers a long time back but was tipped off looks that liverpool was bad news looks like I got lucky .
Haha Ash that's true my main team that's now in your World Elite was almost poached by Strikers. When I still was in England 2066,The commonwealth guild(now collapsed) and Strikers were the main fighters for me. But I wanted to stay in England 2066 until now wanted to choose World Elite,Liverpool however got my former 2nd team but yea I also complained that he was crazy. 3 Left feet or Wombles that joined our academy also complained and said 65 needs to loosen up