My current season is lvl 82 but the championship has 11 of the 14 players at lvl 83. How is this possible and fair, so I can train to max lvl 445 and they can train to 450. How is this possible?
It happens when they don't have the right numbers to make another higher league. Though I think that's the worst I've heard of. It's usually only a few. Which is still unfair, but not as hard to navigate.
The same in my championship, its level 46 but there are a lot level 45 players. It would be better to turn back to improvement of 2 levels instead of 3 for the first 3 players of an championship...
It happens quitte often but in those championship the superior level aren't top players and inferior level are usually better ...
In mine the first two are Level 52 and there is 5 Level 53 after the third place ...
The same in my championship, its level 46 but there are a lot level 45 players. It would be better to turn back to improvement of 2 levels instead of 3 for the first 3 players of an championship...