Hey PIMPS high and low

200 % supported !!!!!!!!
The Oak and the lady and the wishes.

on the rest - think we stay in diff views.
But hey this fine.
Absolutely fine. You are not the first with your humble opinion and won't be the last. Just wanted to reply on your passive aggressive comment and clarify a touch more.
First of all: Dear Sir Karl, how is smellin on internet workin ??? You are fare ahead of us ! Respect !!!

Jammin, all fine with you, but as I told Sir Karl already, not all kritisumn is an attack.
And not everthing lined out is incorrect. But Please respond to my details I posted.Was I incorrect?
somehow you always attacked over that issue. Was any of my posts incorrect?
Remember everybody is readin - we got over 10 pages by now - go ahead. see ya Wizz
Yes you were incorrect as "class" Is relative and all in perspective. And also right as that is how you see it. I'm not attacking but having a conversation. Look through this forum and you will know when I'm attacking. As you will see, I don't give a fuck who reads my shit and what they think of me. Cheers =)
Oh jammin, you got me on that maybe - relative as you say. and all my opinions - have i said any?
Talkin about the comprehensible facts. You and your Guild known ¨simply the best¨ attack a lv 34 player.
Not sayin i disliked it. DID YA OR DINT YA - GIVE A SHIT WHO IS READIN. Your reputation not mine

see ya Wizz
Hey Jammin, before there is any evasive answer. I Screenshot all of my losses. even the one to Jammin Giants 72:0
We scouted what appeared to be a good team but you can call it an attack, your words not mine. Actually thought about sending an invite until you spoke. And no, I don't give a fuck who reads this except the person I'm talking too. My reputation has been fucked from the beginning, so I have nothing to try and keep up with LOL
Your "class" comment struck a nerve, and that was the OPINION I responded to.
Hey Jammin, thanks for your kind words. That you were scoutin a good team LV34 with 62 to lv 64 (honors me a lot) (hope you all ment me ) so we are clear that about 6 Pimps player played me to scout me. Respect. you need that many to scout a team.
You are correct, I got an invite after I played kracken (he kinda backed out by now) and than Pete played me. I played him back and after a few minuites i got play by harley maurauder (or ever he is called) . Ok. that is no attack that is the pimps way. after that I had some dance requests from Pimps members (by the way as expected: got knocked off any time) I am sorry, Looks like i have to get used to. Hope you get used to me to.

On the class issue, you to not have to be everybodies darling to be respected.
Ask the guys who play me, think they to not like me too much . but they respect my craft (pretty sure about that).
You are correct that the ¨class¨ mention struck nerve, but if i am a classy guy over the years (not liked) I will be respected and
not some shitty Newcomer with some personal thread can anyhow shatter my basement. As I said before thin skin.
Just to make shure !!!!!!!!!!!! Al that scum has NOTHIN to do with the PIMPS. I dislike anybody, respect anybody !!!!!
All that happend I told the forum, I didnt like it (with a lot of words) -. I didnt like the way !!!!! has nothing absolutly
nothing personal to do !!!!!

IMagine the Pimps are wonderful Guild really. Honestly !!!!

So therefore lets play our hearts out. accept there are some guys fightin over their weight class. accept who they are fightin fore. We will have fun all the way -- all the best WIZZ
I am not respected, nor anyone's "darling". My skin is as thick as thieves but I will defend my guild from someone's opinion of it. Not surprised you mentioned basement LOL