Hey PIMPS high and low

Hey TD, this far, far more that we ever talked at the dogpound . again Cudos !!!!!!
It is actually funny that we both started in the pound. I fucking like your fire Wizzard. Keep fighting I need teams coming up glad you let yourself be known so I can keep My eyes open for you.
I am in the Haunted Palace Wiz, the little TD's account from Vicks is currently out to pasture.
How was That I had A guildmate lvl32 to come visit. He does think you are a good team.
Hey TD, you have never ever been lill. You kicked butt when butt was not supposed to be kicked !!!!
thought very, very long about changin. Thought very long about the palace and the outsiders.
Love German Wunderkind !!!!!! he was the reason i thought about the palace. Ended up with the outsiders and
that was too much for me at the time. Could not help the guild. So i Steped down to bout that action the lill Outsiders.
Here I found a home. Lovin it almost as much as the pound. But the pound is gone now. And I found myself in the middle of theguild. exactly where I whanted to be. I am cosy and warm.
Hope to bring 1 or two wins on GC, as I did before. playin with grit and fun. But if someone pokes me, was too lill at the pound, he got my attention !!!!! I will nevewr ever be unfair or somethin like that. you know me.

I do honestly whish you all the best and a lot of ol TD´s

see ya WIZZ

please tell G. Wunderkind a high from me. he is really one of my
favorite players.
Pleade dear, Tom got eye problems, cant tell 37 from 32 .
we need to take care.
HMM I just looked and Bender is a 32 I have been drinking so I could be wrong
you are correct Tom. Bender is level 32
Now i do go a task. Gost hammer beat me fair and square !!!!!Not by too much but he beat me.
Here we go - work to do !!!!!! That pure runnin teams always give me fits.
But cudos to Gost hammer likesd it, we will meet again.
Hey Wizzard Be careful what you ask for my freind