Hey PIMPS high and low

Like it or not. This is interestin. Mr. ASU LV 66 just was accepted to the fast risers.
I know it the other way around. you get promoted. Maybe ASU wasn t worth
in the big league. maybe they want to help the lill guys somewhat.
Pimps style as I got to know. I just stop here. You all got your own opinion.

Like it or not, this is the way it is.
I do not like it !!!!!!!!

see ya


Shut, I tought we got that behind us. But NO
Now the Pimps only do send Mr. Smokey do not remember the rest
LV 54 from the fast risers. Only 17LV above me. Heck If you would be
a stud, you knock off my head and go for a LV 71. ( I do know
there is no lv 71 yet). I would be in shame if I ask a lv 30 for a dance.

Only my opinion

Maybe this gets you better

see ya

Did I have a lovely night out. After Mr. Smokey What ever asked me for a dance,
thought it was up to me to the dance with the Rest LV39-51. So lv +2 till +14
to my lv is what i played tonight. Been 5 games with a combined score 290:14
Guess who is 5:0 in those matches.

As I said before: send a team my lv and i will recognize their talent. Anything else is crap.

You will not burn me out. You only will ignite more fire.
Maybe that is what you want.
When some 37lv Player has to be your lightnin rod - here I am - take your best shot

see ya

You got quite the infatuation with us, honestly pretty flattering. Glad we can fuel your "ambition". Just so you know, I think there are a couple other guilds out there too but, keep talking about us. We're used to it.
Pimps didn't send anybody, a team in Risers played you.
Dude you are flat out annoying. 1. You cant stop running your mouth and 2. You get pissed when someone higher beats you and brag about beating teams lower than you .... you cant have it both ways.
Go to bed Harry Potter
Holy, now Mr Harley Lalala himself commin up to show me the ropes. SHUUUT this is some come to rescue STUD.
Keep playin Harley Keep Playin. I do think last time it took 4 games till you cooled down. ahh what ever take your time.

see ya

Hey Jammin, Your Harley somethin needs some anger management. Bahahahah

May I do have fun doin that. Get some great respone, Some really good, some nice
and some totally wrong. Think that goes with it.
Didnt like CNY´s post, because it is totally wrong. Naa correction I do like the annoying part.

see ya


Sir Karl : I will go to bed !!!!
true Wizzards :

Like it or not. This is interestin. Mr. ASU LV 66 just was accepted to the fast risers.
I know it the other way around. you get promoted. Maybe ASU wasn t worth
in the big league. maybe they want to help the lill guys somewhat.
Pimps style as I got to know. I just stop here. You all got your own opinion.

Like it or not, this is the way it is.
I do not like it !!!!!!!!

see ya


Truth is you don't know anything about us but maybe you will soon
true Wizzards :

Shut, I tought we got that behind us. But NO
Now the Pimps only do send Mr. Smokey do not remember the rest
LV 54 from the fast risers. Only 17LV above me. Heck If you would be
a stud, you knock off my head and go for a LV 71. ( I do know
there is no lv 71 yet). I would be in shame if I ask a lv 30 for a dance.

Only my opinion

Maybe this gets you better

see ya


Truth is we don't send out anyone. If he wants to play you he is going to do that. We are not celebrating if someone of us beat you. A lot of teams will in the near future. Keep that in mind.