Hey PIMPS high and low

Ok you keep on goin, not impressed means loosin Bahaha
true Wizzards :

Ok you keep on goin, not impressed means loosin Bahaha

I will catch you before you catch ASU or Karl. But I like your spunk
As for the rest I'm done with drama. Pimps will forever punch whoever beats there minis it's what theyve always done. Won't change and it shouldn't. Part of learning this game is learning how to manage the uppers beating on u without giving away how u play. Piss any guild off and they will do exactly what pimps did. That said u need fighting spirit to make it to the top of this game. Wizzards u got probably literally a year year and a half before u get top level and that's if u marched straight there, ur gonna need this fire. But know that adding targets to you or your teammates doesn't help us. I'm not disagreeing as u are a teammate of mine. Good one at that. I'm just personally done with the drama. I won't be around forums to defend word fights gonna have to stand ur ground here and on the field if I could spread that fire evenly amoungst our guild we would be rollllinnnnn. Chin up wizzards, I know it's all in good fun. But pimps can/will/ and have pushed manyyyyyyy to retire from this game. Even I dont like kicking the bees nest. Playing them is hard enough even when they don't hate you...
true Wizzards :

Hallo Sir Karl., Die Pimps haben eine fast erschreckende Reputation.. Ihr haltet in unglaublicherweise zusammen.
Großen Respect !!!!!
Muss man deshalb vor euch Angst haben. Pimps are good, want to mbe better - may a pimbs that.
mit zeigen, das es bessere gibt werdert Ihr nicht sehr viel weiter kommen. Wenn es bessere gibt muss ich daran arbeiten.

Erschreckende Reputation? Wie kommst du darauf?

Hier geht es nicht um Angst haben, sondern eher um den Umgangston aber ich habe das Gefühl, als würde ich mit einer Wand reden.
Killer clouds and legion of boom btw wizzards. Think ur the only one here that don't know that
Thou and Cowboys.... Our plan to do what we did was before the creation of WTH, just bad timing. Other teams take a season off and come back stronger, we are no different. If running scared is your opinion, so be it. Leaving your guild to create a new one could also be perceived the same way, just saying.
KC give me a hour or so and I’ll try to install. I never did
Jammin, it’s cool. Play the game how you want. But if I’m in the Pimps shoe’s and I saw that challenge coming, I’d postpone whatever and take it with arms open wide. I mean when is the last time you guys had the opportunity to be great and do something you shouldn’t be able to do. Moments like that don’t come around too often. In my opinion you guys are the lesser for not stepping up.
Hey Sir keine Wand !!! Bitte nicht falsch verstehen. Ihr seit einfach nur
für eure verschworenheit und euren zusammenhalt berühmt. Jeder redet mit dem grössten Respekt von euch
- die sind so gut - kannste nicht angehen !!!
will offen reden - möchte richtig, richtig, richtig gut werden bin offen für alles und habe im moment
eine (für mich) nwundervolle guild gefunden. Bin gut - Habe erfolg. 34 - 50LV und liebe meine Jungs.

daher erstmal Alles Gute
you know Jammin, if you all wanted to put the PIMPs back together you could and not make excuses or reasons for your resistance.....the guild is still in tact.....just rejoin and get back in the fight......otherwise, it does seem as if you as a group are scared.....OUR group goes into every GC knowing its gonna be a battle and we relish the fight.....that is kinda what I thought of the PIMPS.....but it doesn't appear that way anymore......