Hey PIMPS high and low

Hey CNY - Promise I will do better next time - 57-16 by the way HiHi
Oh dear Mr Jammin, totally go wrong on answerin you in german. Sorry for that. Sir Karl was too temptin.
First of all I do want to thank you for answerin on a open issue from my side. Never thought I get such a
response. Havin some intense back- and forth with Karl (Sir Karl) he seems to be a nice guy- sometimes
I do love to kick some - whatever I do ask for some respect what i do - even at a low level.
ALL THE BEST hope next time we will meet eye to eye. - True Wizzards
True...bud. CNY (if that’s really him ) is one of the best I’ve played with and against, at least when he was in his prime. I suggest you take it a little easy until you know what’s what. While I certainly don’t respect the pimps, I do respect some of their members. Just a suggestion.
Cowboys4Life :

you know Jammin, if you all wanted to put the PIMPs back together you could and not make excuses or reasons for your resistance.....the guild is still in tact.....just rejoin and get back in the fight......otherwise, it does seem as if you as a group are scared.....OUR group goes into every GC knowing its gonna be a battle and we relish the fight.....that is kinda what I thought of the PIMPS.....but it doesn't appear that way anymore......

Why do we have to explain every step we make? It's not your business keep on thinking whatever you want. You won't believe us anyway. So it doesn't matter what we are going to say. I don't feel like I have to answer your questions.
Being who we are with everyone else wanting to take us down=great. Every GC is a great challenge, everyone steps up their game for us. It wasn't about WTH, even being the force they are. It was about many teams needing to retool . Again, planned before the update and guild changes. Think what you or anybody wants man, no sweat of my balls.
UGh LILL Outsiders - aka - bout that action - and fast risers . Lill Pimps -- 23 - 19 Oh my god
Bout that action kicked ass. looks like i am kinda outsider ( 2-0) in this GC
Hey thou, I can aways just judge who is payin me. Like CNY he picked me.
No disrespect. Just payed him. If somebody plays me he got to be sure
I play him back.
Hey Sir Karl,

Jeden aber auch JEDEN Respekt für euch !!!!!
Ich möchte nur einen gewissen resect. WHEN Ihr Big buys mich weiter spielt,
wird es irgendwann interessant. mind. noch 6 - 8 seasons. freue mich true Wizzards
Karl, you don't have to answer anything man......I was just asking in hopes of clearing things up......if it was truly to retool and comeback stronger, then I wish you luck...….becuz away from the game too long can or cant help ya...…….jammin', if it was planned?...then so be it......what is possibly stopping you all from getting it back together?......playin the waiting game with them maybe?....gonna see if they drop their guild and go back to their homes?......I have a sneaky feeling that's probly NOT gonna happen......but until then, OUR group continues to get stronger and stronger....we are a small ways off yet.....But not too far.....as far as Individual game goes......KARL, you and I have gone back and forth....and if you really think im going away anytime soon....GUESS again...….
true Wizzards :

Hey thou, I can aways just judge who is payin me. Like CNY he picked me.
No disrespect. Just payed him. If somebody plays me he got to be sure
I play him back.

Wizzards. Cny is a small team of this games orginal #1. How many season we're u top level cny? Can't is and always will be one of the best to ever put on the cleats.... All we are saying is bring the same fire to the field;) what's football without some shit talking anyways