Wales, I only spent 9.99 a week, quite affordable for the fun it gave me, yes I get its less than a costa coffee a day, never indicated I spent more. I spent on other versions yes, ie footie and 7s the same amount but the constant changing of the game algorithms sometimes twice a week when a blinding strategy goes sour all of a sudden rendering top players worthless without either being in the know or having to spend hours working out the best strategies or getting some strats off others. The footie is controlled by the big spending iranians, the 7s is about as realistic as a jelly bellend, the rugby version was always by far the leader which is why i felt so strongly about Nitros uncanny ability to mess the game about, naturally others disagree which i get and accept. I spend nothing now and i know quite a few that dont too, my team is slowly winding down losing those bought players each season. The crack with the guild guys is great still which keeps me interested. I know there are cheats too for buying players and nitro can confirm I never did that, but i understand it is easy to do using two tablets and it is out there. I will never spend another penny here, thats my choice of course. This will be my last note on here as my interest in this game is purely the crack with the guys, not the results, my team is rubbish and hardly worth spending hours getting players from the recruitment house that stop and drop the ball every time they touch it, need hours of training and get hammered by cc teams. Good luck bud I wish you well.