Report Match Fixing Update

I am saying hypothetically if I was in damage or ooa or AOC and I'm laying 2nd in the table and my guild mate (known for 5 years or so) who I have in the final game is 9th and a member of cag is 10th who has an easy game and will win (all this hypothetical) but the scenario from today is like this, how can I allow a bitter rival to gain a promotion because I have beaten a guild mate and friend? The new rule means that I cannot of course, just a bit of food for thought
Guest C9MJYD :

Can I ask a serious question?

This is to any member of damage, ooa, AOC, anyone really other than a member of cag. If you was in the situation of Gus where if you lose you are ensuring your guild member (possible friend of 5 years) does not get promoted as you have just beaten him / her, also allowing in the process one of your rival guilds to gain a promotion because of your actions, my question is would you do that?

I have been in that situation more than once and i relegated a guild mate when I was safe for promotion because I am strongly against match fixing and won't partake in it ever. I did it the season before last as it happens, I was safe from day 9 and had Leeds last match of the season, who is a friend and in a feeder guild, he was 10th, I was 1st, I beat him 48-7 as I recall, he stayed 10th. No one fell out and ge was back in top league this season.
So no I wouldn't, haven't and will continue not to and expect the same in return.
Fair play, I was hoping someone would say that, I'm not sure I could so fair play to you I hope these changes work well for you
Just seen Soton's game. Another one trying a new strat I guess like Balderdash. Kicking off to the right with wide spacing. Looking at his matches he's not once used 14 to kick off with in the last 3 days. Common guys we're not stupid.
Guest C9MJYD :

I am saying hypothetically if I was in damage or ooa or AOC and I'm laying 2nd in the table and my guild mate (known for 5 years or so) who I have in the final game is 9th and a member of cag is 10th who has an easy game and will win (all this hypothetical) but the scenario from today is like this, how can I allow a bitter rival to gain a promotion because I have beaten a guild mate and friend? The new rule means that I cannot of course, just a bit of food for thought

This is where the problem began and the justification of it came from. The trouble is that cag have taken it way further than just the odd match at the end of the season and systematically work out the max points that all in the same champs can achieve from a season, recalculate this figure daily and distribute games accordingly. This system has been so effective that they have enough top level players to fill a guild with overspill, many of those players don't deserve to be there and wouldn't know a good strat if they caught in bed with their wife. None the less they now have at least 25 top level between the guilds. Now bear in mind that there are only five top level championships, which means they will have a major presence in all and you can start to see how this behaviour is dominating the top level and ruining the game. This repeated, sustained fixing of matches has not only rigged the championships but consequently the gcs, and map as well. It has caused many honest teams to quit the game and it robs teams who also pay to compete on the same level of an even footing. They should be treated the same as players who got refunds and banned accordingly in my opinion.
Dreadlocked warriors :

Ben Harris :

Just looked on the match report thing out of interest and 2 teams from my guild are listed on there one being me! I do not fix matches and nor does the other team thats listed... also bluemooners is listed a few times... that bloke is dead against cheating and would never fix a game.. my question is how are nitro going to decide whos cheating and whos not? Is each and every game going to be watched thats reported or is it going to be its reported so must be fixed?

Hi Ben. That is a list of all matches played, not a list of reported games. The list is there so that can report a game if you wish to. This is why your name is on it, mine is to and I've never fixed a game in my life.

Alright bud cheers for explaining that...
Not so Damaged :

Just seen Soton's game. Another one trying a new strat I guess like Balderdash. Kicking off to the right with wide spacing. Looking at his matches he's not once used 14 to kick off with in the last 3 days. Common guys we're not stupid.

Seriously Jonathon, are u looking through other people’s schedules and checking their games to try and find fault just to justify yours and la cags actions?
I thought better of you, you use to be a stand up guy! I guess it was only a matter of time before they brought you down to their level, you always was a sheep and never a Shepherd!
Stay safe and peace out ✌️
Not so Damaged :

Just seen Soton's game. Another one trying a new strat I guess like Balderdash. Kicking off to the right with wide spacing. Looking at his matches he's not once used 14 to kick off with in the last 3 days. Common guys we're not stupid.

Pmsl, its horrendous that you still try to ay the victim and pass the blame onto others. You got caught and outed, front up take the punishment, if you're "that good" then you should not fear the repercussions of this move by SN.

There is one main set up that will be caught by this, and that's La Cag.

I just hope the videos continue next season as I'm sure the fixing won't stop, it will just be more sneaky like with TDC and Mavericks. Pity Mavericks missed out on the promotion after working hard to fix games all season
Balderdash Titans qui fait exprès de perdre ses matchs de classement et faire croire qu'il a une mauvaise strat et laisser gagner Anguluru ce matin
Bien joué , mais nous ne sommes pas dupes , j'ai fais la même chose pour ne pas dévoiler ma strat et essayer de battre Phalanx ce matin
Sérieusement SN va faire quoi contre ça ?
Maintenant on verra bien ce que ça donne sur les championnat mais personnellement cette mise a jour ne me gène aucunement car je n'était pas forcement favorable a tous ces arrangement
Cela doit faire environ 5 ans que je suis sur ce jeu et je n'y passerai pas autant de temps car tout ses commentaires de la part de certaines personnes qui se cache derrière de faux noms ou pseudos me désolent , messieurs les délateurs vous n’êtes que des personnages ignobles et désolants , en France vous auriez été des collabo durant le dernière guerre mondiale et en Afrique du Sud certainement des adeptes de l'Apartheid
Gerard Bravard :

Balderdash Titans qui fait exprès de perdre ses matchs de classement et faire croire qu'il a une mauvaise strat et laisser gagner Anguluru ce matin
Bien joué , mais nous ne sommes pas dupes , j'ai fais la même chose pour ne pas dévoiler ma strat et essayer de battre Phalanx ce matin
Sérieusement SN va faire quoi contre ça ?
Maintenant on verra bien ce que ça donne sur les championnat mais personnellement cette mise a jour ne me gène aucunement car je n'était pas forcement favorable a tous ces arrangement
Cela doit faire environ 5 ans que je suis sur ce jeu et je n'y passerai pas autant de temps car tout ses commentaires de la part de certaines personnes qui se cache derrière de faux noms ou pseudos me désolent , messieurs les délateurs vous n’êtes que des personnages ignobles et désolants , en France vous auriez été des collabo durant le dernière guerre mondiale et en Afrique du Sud certainement des adeptes de l'Apartheid

Ha ha, ton commentaire est à la fois drôle et stupide dans une égale mesure. Votre guilde a corrigé plus de 70 matchs cette saison et est la guilde la plus disgraciée du jeu. Vous pouvez regarder autant de matchs que vous le souhaitez et porter toutes les accusations que vous ressentez le besoin, cependant, cela ne diminue en rien le trucage de match odieux à La Cagnannaise. Vous réparez tous 70 jeux, puis essayez de faire glisser mon nom à travers la terre, pas une chance. Vous dégoûtant sale triche tricherie.