GC Challenge Cag v Spuit

Caernarfon RFC :

Beaten again most of our guild still not played

Evenly matched on paper. Don’t understand the lack of desire to knock us off our perch. That should be the goal of all guilds (not just yourselves) in the top 10, whilst the game still exists.
Mighty defending by yourself this gvg. Credit where it’s due.
It was tough every game, delivery driver fcuked by last defence. Im trying to get them to play early. Its frustrating.
And on paper we had we had one more 199
Caernarfon RFC :

Beaten again most of our guild still not played

If you had another few with your desire it would be much closer. 90% of us were online at kick off which is where the challenge was won. Well done to you, some great defence. We almost did it in less than half an hour. You extended that to over an hour.
Well played Caer. Lend us a fiver?
Lol ill wish, nothing to spend on these days is there. Credit where its due we cant get close at present.
Well a losing draw was a good result i suppose.
If the challenge was at 8 p.m. everyone would be present it is not easy for us French to be present for the challenge at 6 p.m.
Be careful, I'm not looking for excuses but we also want to win the challenges lol
Gus Guest GHO4X0 :

If the challenge was at 8 p.m. everyone would be present it is not easy for us French to be present for the challenge at 6 p.m.

To be fair it’s not that easy for us English/Welsh as it kicks off just as I finish work at 5pm and have to then drive home. Even worse for the Aussies and New Zealanders (we have a few of those) as it’s the middle of the night. Unfortunately time zones make it impossible to be fair to everyone.