Health ?

Why as he started to treat players and my written this inscription - "Oops something goes wrong" And my healts disapear
You currently have no heal kits. Please reload the game.
PierrotLL :

You currently have no heal kits. Please reload the game.

No,my friends send me kits.It write thath i have 5 kits and when i wont to use one its apear this write "Oops something goes wrong"
Same happens to me, when a friend sends you 5heal kits it says you have 5 kits when u look how many u have, then if you try to use any heal kits, it resets to 0 heal kits and say u dont have enough to use on player. When people send me heal kits in guild messages they work 100% though.
It seems there is a problem with facebook heal requests sometimes. I will try to fix that.