Maxed out 155 point player.

I have a 155 point player I purchased some time ago, he has now collected 67 training points to date. I missed out on promotion getting slaughtered in the last game of the season by a three strategy centre team. Fair enough I suppose. My player will obviously collect more training points in the new season to add to the 67 he already has. The questions are : 1. Is 155 the max player? 2. Am I doomed never to be promoted again so I can't use the training points for him?
I would be interested in hearing some answers from the experts on here please.
Many Thanks in anticipation .
1. The max level increases by 5 points per championship level so it max of only your current level and the points continue to increase.

2. No. I have done double promotions every season and have not used mb (majority of my guild also have obtained double promo without mb). And we also don't have cash use (full disclosure I bought the 3 30* players way back when). Keep working on your strat and really focus on the auction house. Find market inefficiencies and build from there
Thanks for the information. I don't use MB either, however I am behind in Strategy Centre building as in my opinion three centres are ridiculous. I will get there. Once again thanks for the info.
3 strat centers are ridiculous depending on how you look at it. While it is true that a rugby club wouldn't have 3 strat centers, most don't have 1 either. And I would love to see the rugby club that has 4 banks. When you look at it with game play it makes a lot of sense to incentivise growing the stadium by giving more buildings.

I guess I look at it kinda like adding anot her coach. Most small teams have a significantly smaller coaching staff than the larger clubs. So here a lvl 31 team should have a bigger strat bonus than a lvl 10 team. And you can only increase it so much with one building the way it is set up. So instead of making a lvl 60 strat building they give us 3.