Fan lose

With the new ranking system lossing fan its very high, because you can only play 5 matches at home but you can be challenge a lot of, and cos of the home play advantage i am losing fans rapidly, in some days i will have 0 fans being in the top 50 of the ranking!!!!!
You have over 158k fans today, I must be misreading your post. Are you saying you have dropped down to 0 fans?
BM I think he means he'll soon be down to 0 fans
I know that i have 158K, but yesterdey i lose 9 training matches and win 3, 6K funs less everyday it will finish with 0 fan in some days...
I have same problem
As stated in another post you need to decide what is more important to you, fans or ranking. If your ranking is too high you will become an easy target for other players around and end up losing fans. Should you drop in ranking you'll be able to manage your fans quite easily.

So at the end of the day you do have control over your fans, you just need to decide what is more important to you