Players Retiring

I've always found players retiring at 31 a little young by today's standard in real life. How about instead of players retiring after the age of 31 the players rating starts dropping say by 5 across the board. This could mean star players will naturally start dropping from our starting team but with constant training thoughout the season the player can gain back the points they lost and still be a useful player. Especially since I've notice in recent seasons torwards the end of the season my injuries start racking up
I like that idea mate. Would be useful for players who don't buy with real money, allthough the devs will never go for it as there's no money in it for them. Maybe pay balls to extend their retirement. To represent the ammount of extra physio they'll need. They might go for that.
I remember an idea presented once that I loved actually. Each player had a sort of base training (unique per player) rate at the age of 18. Each year that training rate would increase by x% until age 27 at which point the training rate started to decrease by x% and then when it got to 31 they decreased by 2x% per year. This would allow each manager to decide, there would be a benefit to accumulated training points, training rate would go negative and then you would lose training points until you decided to retire them. I love this idea as some players in the game can play till they are 25, some till 30 and those who don't play rugby but prance around in our jerseys (I'm looking at you backs) can play till they are older.
Both great ideas. Players like Peter Stringer was still quality when Bath let him go, one of the worst decisions (apart from letting Banners go) Bath has made, oh and sacking Gold... in fact why do I actually still support Bath? Anyway back on subject, Sweet Nitro if you ever read your forum's please do something about the premature retirement age, be it with players decreasing or charging us gold balls to extend the life of players. We are not asking for players to be playing at 50 but a more releastic mid 30s
another option would be that every year past 31 the players maximum star rating drops by 5, so if you became top 3 and got promoted 2 levels, most of your team would increase their max star rating by 10, while older players would only increase by 5, and if you didn't get promoted their max rating would actually drop. so a highly trained 30 year old would still be useful for a few seasons, but would slowly fall behind other players, without actually losing any skills. if a skill ended up above max star rating it would stay, you just wouldn't be able to train it any further