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[cbound] forgers

Bound by conquest and aided by brute force, we (the forgers) pledge allegiance only to a vast empire and a destructive armada. Our army is dedicated to binding our strength in numbers and power to show this universe we will not be taken lightly, nor will we show mercy. there are three ranks known as of yet- member, weilder (recruiter) , vice-forger (admin, moderator, and recruiter), and myself (owner/creator,admin,moderator,recruiter)

also: for those already in the guild, i would ask that if you choose to donate, please donate to the guild capacity and ask only if you want to donate to the uranium reserves... more people is our greatest defense, weapons and buffs are the "close second" that i personally will see out to... I will take care of that. I will recommend that if you wish to go to anyone for help for anything, go to Fantob60 if i am not available. if neither of us are available, message both of us and we will aid you when possible (if it was not imminent that is).

p.s. My only request is that you do not use up our power or resources for your own benefit, but for the benefit of the forgers


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['ω'] ωe are one!Alliance
[SŋЯК] Seikoku no Ryuu KishiAlliance