Jamison, jammin Giants. You called her a c unt. You freaking loser. That is my baby girl. 24 years old.She moved down here on a 6 month lease to help take care of me after my surgery. I still love reading this. BTW, i have no ill will toward black sheep, or any members. HAH,, still funny toread her thoughts.
But don't ever, EVER call my girl a C unt. I admit, she became a better player than me. She was trying to help me,.
last week, we talked, and the guys at Coalition know this. Her old account, I changed the name to American Dad. What a mess it is. I always thought ANNIHilLATION was a bit much., LOL. But she is my baby.
Call her a c unt again, and things will happen you fuc king jak ass.
There are so many nice people you meet here. I truly enjoy it. But my daughter warned me about internet trolls. I did not even know what that meant until I ran iinto some of you.
My name is Jason Riley. I live in Myrtle Beach, SC. Find me on FB. I am a retired Sergant Major in the united States Marine corps.
Fu ck with me again, or call my daughther a c unt again, there ill be consquences.
I spend my time trying to make others better at this game. Competitionis fun.
I read something where you were insulting Judd.
F uck you.
Do you now why certain people left?
We get so tired of trying help others and repsonding to thier hatefful posts.
Coalition of Conquers. yes, Silly name, but the importnat poist, we are all friends. Why we have the most victories