Play calling time

07/01/17 04:22
I don't know about anyone else but, I feel my team plays better when I can call my plays. Could you please give me ALL my allotted time to call a play? It seems the AI will choose whatever play it wants if I can't pick one within 3 seconds left.
Thank you
07/01/17 07:01
I know what you mean man. It's even worse if you are trying to switch out defenses. My work computer has a HUGE lag to it and it is a major handicap just for calling the offensive plays. The defensive stuff is even messier. Here at home I have much less lag, but sometimes I don't toggle the defensive change fast enough and get caught in a very bad position. Most likely you have some of the worse lag on your end, and that is an issue with the game.

The best I can say is to get to know the location of all your offensive plays and be very decisive about selecting one. You can indeed change it if needed, but all I can say is you just need to become more familiar with the location of your plays so you can find them very quickly. Also, if it's still an issue and horrible plays are being called, I would delete the higher risk ones out of the play book altogether if any of them seem to particularly screw you. Or, at the least, you can just toggle them off for the time being to reduce the size of your playbook and just remove them from the computer randomly selecting them. Then at a later point if you need them again or wish to bring them back...just toggle them back on.