I understand it's non American development team but for God's sake they can find the NFL rules online... this nonsense of kickoffs when time has expired is absolutely sickening. This is American football. Not soccer. There is no stoppage time. When the time ends so does the game. Plain and simple but apparently the foreigners playing pretend are incapable of going along with such established rules. Typical.for them make thir own.
Game ends when time is over.
18/05/17 06:32
20/05/17 02:31
It appears this has been addressed. Ive seen multiple games end at the 00 mark today. They line up for the KO, and the whistle blows, game over.
23/05/17 15:58
Yes! Thankfully. The new developers seem to be on top of things quickly...when addressed.
26/05/17 02:22
fuck bergie no more cash on your game thanks bergie you piece of shit mother fucker and fuck marks raiders
26/05/17 02:22
fuck bergie no more cash on your game thanks bergie you piece of shit mother fucker and fuck marks raiders
26/05/17 08:20
Yes! Thankfully. The new developers seem to be on top of things quickly...when addressed.
Yes! Thankfully. The new developers seem to be on top of things quickly...when addressed.
Does seem to be more going on now. Not all good, of course.