Have found out to participate in a big tournament you need to pay 50 gold balls. WHAT THE FECK IS THIS SORT OF AMOUNT IT EVEN COSTS 10 GB MORE THAN A SECOND BUILDER IT COSTS 40! They are trying to make us pay real money on gold balls but if you pay 50 gb and lose the big tournament, WHAT'S THE FREKIN BENEFIT FROM IT????? WHAT, CHEATING ON US AND MAKING US PAY, IS THIS YOUR BENEFIT BITTER NITRO?? Well from now on i will never join such tournaments and will go to ordinary ones as it has a higher rate of winning the tournie and free and it's just quicker. They should've paid attention on error 2048 or training points not adding up or other bugs rather than adding up idiotic prices WITH GOLD BALLS and presenting that Sports Shop because what's the point to pay humongous amount of cash if you have strats and especially it will almost not give you anything!