Innate stats

24/11/16 06:37
Are there stats that are innate to each position? If I had a TE with all the passing stats maxed would he be as good a passer as a QB with comparable stats? Or if that TE had every stat maxed would he be as good at any position as the players who play the position (with the same stats)?
24/11/16 10:39
Its all about the stats, position doesn't really have much to do with it other than the players is best developed to start with for his position.

So if your TE passing skills is maxed and your QB not, your TE would be better at QB
24/11/16 18:42
The only thing I have found, and not sure this is true, but I used to have an OL run the ball, and after about a week, it seemed he fumbled more often than my eventual RB with same stats. (carry and stamina)
25/11/16 05:46
Ok, thank you. I hope there are things that separate the different positions. A 60 speed for an OL should be slower than a 60 for RB, for example.