Cant you make a function for kicking conversions, like maybe a bar with a line running from side to side fast, then when the line is over certain spot on the bar you press to kick, depending of the position of the line over the bar will let you kick in that direction or kick straight ahead if youre able to kick when line is perfectly in middle of the bar. Depending on kickers level or stats you can set the speed at which line moves on the bar.
Some golf games usually have something similar to what I have in mind, for selecting the power of your shot.
Because my kicker have maxed settings in all fields concerning kicking, but still he miss about 6/10 conversions
Some golf games usually have something similar to what I have in mind, for selecting the power of your shot.
Because my kicker have maxed settings in all fields concerning kicking, but still he miss about 6/10 conversions