Colour of "time remaining bar" for building Upgrades

11/02/16 20:28
Is it just me? or...

When starting a new building Upgrade, the time remaining to completion bar is black with white numbers. Nice and clear
As time goes by, and the bar fills green, I can no longer easily make out the white numbers as they count down

Would it be possible to reverse the colours - so that the bar starts green and turns black as time goes on?
- or to replace the green with a different dark colour from which the white numbers stand out more please?
12/02/16 07:34
Actually, I too have problem seeing the level of my buildings as they are black in a thin font and are not visible on the background. It would be good if this could be changed.
14/02/16 19:16
You can try zooming to see the font more clearly
15/02/16 16:49
Vishal - Liverpool :

You can try zooming to see the font more clearly

Yes, indeed, - & that's what I currently do... - but it's a pain then moving around the screen to get to the other two buildings that are also currently upgrading