
16/08/16 22:20
I just played some matches at 1000 fans but some are still 200. Go figure!

18/08/16 15:05
It was a bug (what else!). Now all the available training matches are back to 200 fans.

04/12/16 16:00
Ashley Longthorn :

Ha for a draw I don't even get that I get 100 for a draw, 200 fans per win and Loose a thousand+ fans per time I lose it's a joke but saying that so are Sublinet and there arsehole admins

very boring
04/12/16 18:29
Lol my own quotes do make me laugh sometimes typically being me just speaking as I see it but yeah I lost over 1000 fans takes me over 5 games to regain the fans then you can't add to them cos there is no map game once you have played a certain amount one of the reasons I have no inention of maxing the level 22 stadium out like it costs 80 summat million for a stadium in which unless your packhardcore you'll never achieve
12/12/16 14:03
how do you join a guild
12/12/16 15:30
Click your guild hall Bailey a list of guilds should appear you will need to check the requirements as some are invite only , but if it's open lobby anyone can join or the guild might specify you need a certain amount of fans.