Hi FC Rotfur if you are reading this you may be confused as to why you got kicked honestly was a an error on my part. your more than welcome to rejoin,Just let me know if you want to comeback and I'll give you an invite when you play my team as will be difficult to find you as your not in the guild . I recognise we all have busy lives I was probs just a little too quick to pull the trigger, however I do hope you're reading this and are personally fine and in good health. The only reason It was discussed within the guild was because you'd gone for a week without playing a GC and not many heals sent but if you'd of told me you planned on going I'd of kept your place open buddy.
To FC Rotfur - apologies
24/03/17 22:11
25/03/17 10:04
Ash, I should probably invite the guy myself, OK, maybe I did but there is a way for you to get him back quickly. You played him earlier, go back to that game and access him that way. The invite button is right there my friend. saves the hunt. Of course I had to invite him, no guild et al....cheers
25/03/17 10:41
Your welcome he's a strong player Willian and thanks. Not sure if he had quit or what but he'd just gone quiet of late not playing GC and low heal sends but we've got Gadget now but obvs offer still stands cos can always make room for the guy.