Jammin Giants :
Thank you guys for the input.... In a couple days I'm going to send a ticket with the poll results. The more votes we get, the better the chance action might be taken. (Which I doubt) Its worth a try. Gareth, never thought about that being a problem but now understand what you're saying. Unfortunately this game is set to help the teams who spend real money. I choose not to but don't poo poo on anyone who does. =)
for me i class boosting, fast training and pack players are all the same problem
1 boosting makes you upgrade slower which makes the life of the game longer due to slowing your buildings
2 fast training, for me is just a poor players way of being the best, but brings money to the game through golden balls.
3 pack players as above no 2
so for me i dont see them getting rid of any of them all 3 are in a way to gain performance in your team, so if a team wants to use option 2 the other team can use option 1 makes things even i think thats how they think, would get very boring if the free players or low spenders had no chance of winning a game then if they lost 60% of the players there would be no game