Bluemooners :
Ravens from my guild (Webb Ellis) will almost certainly not achieve a single promotion this season, as a direct result of the match mixing in his league which has been taking place all season on a mass scale. It's there for all to see if you scroll through his league's results. It has been there for all to see for 3 seasons now. But the develeopers continue to allow it and continue to not punish the guilty teams. So the clean teams are the ones being punished. And for god's sake, don't mention the names of the cheats on the forum of you'll be banned instantly by the forum Police. Irony eh?
Anyway that takes me from a statement to a question... are there even developers anymore? We don't even get new looking buildings now when they increase a level. What exactly do they do apart from sit back and cash in?
Had enough and won't be spending a penny more.
Ravens from my guild (Webb Ellis) will almost certainly not achieve a single promotion this season, as a direct result of the match mixing in his league which has been taking place all season on a mass scale. It's there for all to see if you scroll through his league's results. It has been there for all to see for 3 seasons now. But the develeopers continue to allow it and continue to not punish the guilty teams. So the clean teams are the ones being punished. And for god's sake, don't mention the names of the cheats on the forum of you'll be banned instantly by the forum Police. Irony eh?
Anyway that takes me from a statement to a question... are there even developers anymore? We don't even get new looking buildings now when they increase a level. What exactly do they do apart from sit back and cash in?
Had enough and won't be spending a penny more.
Oh dear, it is another Friday night. The teams involved in 35-35 draws in Raven’s league so far are Rhino, vmax sozo, Burntisland Buccaneers, White Sharks, Coach Fluffy Pink qBall, Ivory National Team (CAG), T-BONE and Les turbos en panne (CAG). It also looks like some planned draws may have gone wrong. These teams come from five different Guilds. They have not cheated according to the rules of this game (happy to talk about why that particular word is an issue on the forum in a different thread BM), but that word aside, I agree with everything you have said.