This guy is bidding for Shoulder pads, Water bottle, Shorts, Mouth guard four items, that seems OK, but the total amount being bid is 377 000 000, that's 377 MILLION, please could someone explain how that is possible, it just doesn't seem right.
Graham, surely you are mistaken. Banks can't even hold anything like that amount of cash to begin with. Are you not adding up bids from different players?
There are ways you can have more money than what your banks can hold. A couple of examples would be championship money earned at the end of the season and premium packs. These are however not the only ways...
There are ways you can have more money than what your banks can hold. A couple of examples would be championship money earned at the end of the season and premium packs. These are however not the only ways...
None of the ways, including any that you have not mentioned, can mathematically give you 377 mil on the first day of a season. There are only 2 ways that you can do this.