One thing I like in the game is to watch the matches, but sometimes I can't watch it forehand, because I'm working or I'm with my girlfriend or ..., and this times I know the result before I can watch the match. I think its boring to watch a result-known match, and I only watch when the yellow marks are close. And if I dont know the final result its intrigant and better.
So to mantaine the intrigue I propose to put 2 buttons in the schedule page.
First in the place where is the result, a button of "result" in the middle of the names of the teams.
Second one in the rigth part of the away team name. "Watch the match".
Thus the player have to click one of those buttons to know the result. A quick one or the match option.
Once a button is selected the schedule page can be like now is.
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Did you undertand it? My English is poor. Sorry
So to mantaine the intrigue I propose to put 2 buttons in the schedule page.
First in the place where is the result, a button of "result" in the middle of the names of the teams.
Second one in the rigth part of the away team name. "Watch the match".
Thus the player have to click one of those buttons to know the result. A quick one or the match option.
Once a button is selected the schedule page can be like now is.
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Did you undertand it? My English is poor. Sorry