28/05/16 01:05
Lol. Whilst I do sympathise with PL being played - 43 times I think? - by Red, which is pretty outrageous by anyone's standards, I can't but agree that PL has been the bugbear of many teams with the continual game after game after game... so PL on this one you can't really complain too much.

That said, personally I do think there should be some kind of 'amnesty' prior to Guild and Lg games, it seems fair in many ways.

For the record, my 'available' 11 and tactics are far different from my 'wanting to win' 11 and tactics; this isn't unusual and I've no problem with losing to teams via friendlies etc as I'm still learning the game as most of us are; but I do object to being played a ridiculous amount of times whilst asleep so that an opponent can perfect their own strategy in order to win. It's either (a) very very sad, or (b) avoidable, with a further game patch...

Love ya's
28/05/16 01:06
. afterall, it is just a game

Win lose or draw that's all it is
I'm clueless so my tactics are always the same
28/05/16 01:18
Not that clueless, clueless
28/05/16 01:25
hi, mk spurs n clueless, your teams are frightening and super awesome!

with my keeper always standing aside to have a fag when the other team's forwards are approaching, n my strikers already on holiday during a match, it will take me about 10 yrs to reach the standards of your teams.

respect, respect, respect...sincerely said.
28/05/16 01:44
lol know where ur coming from Leigh, same if I play FC or PL or... any of those top teams, so don't despair just yet
28/05/16 01:50
28/05/16 02:02
MK Spurs, my team was just blown asunder by your impressive team! Lol.

I'll probably start playing friendlies against you unceasingly!

Have a blessed Bank Holiday (UK) weekend (rest of the world). everyone.
28/05/16 05:57
Simpleman > no it's no problem,but i 'm talking here for a general's not because of you last time....i speak especially of the fact that some are less connected so they cannot change their formation everytime they play matches...for exemple,for me the the championship match is at 12H ...sometimes i'm not connected the night till this match,only after work, 13h or 14h ...i make my formation for the match of tommorrow,so the opponent have about 14h to play and me on friendly matches to check it .

the clueless one> yes i do everytime , but i already mentionned that most of the time i just enjoy watching the match,not for working on a new tactic.
In other hand,that's why i proposed a new idea about doing matches apart friendly match.
28/05/16 09:18
You always seem to be connected a good hour or so before you play me to get a few games in wether it's just to watch or figure tactics playing still playing . I don't mind tho the games a work in progress so just keep throwing out ideas like everyone else and who knows maybe one day everyone will be happy
Leigh don't be put off by team quality good tactics can over come stronger teams it's all trial n error till you find the right one what's the name of your team ?
28/05/16 12:43
I have no problem with some one playing 50 friendlies a day is the best way to learn the game. and we can all do it, so it is fair for all.