When is the update for level 23 buildings coming? My main buildings have been on level 22 for two seasons already.Please get a move on guys! P.s thanx for the new look level 22 stadium.
Stil no reply on level 23 building upgrades! My game is stagnant for over a month now!3 Builders with nothing to upgrade! Is this where the game wil reach its end, wil we only be able to have level 22 buildings?
Guess we wont know, becourse you are to busy counting your money to interact with your cutomers.
Very disappointed.
I might be wrong but I think part of the issue with this is that there isn't enough money to count from the rugby app and the real money comes from the soccer app. Similar to real life i guess. I don't remember any announcements for lvl 21 or 22 either though.